Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tech Tidbits February 20, 2024


   A technology blog supporting the SAU16 staff.  

by Sandy Blanc      
School AI: Let's open up the conversation! 

I have eagerly awaited the opportunity to share information with you about Artificial Intelligence (AI) through a digital tool that is covered by a signed Data Privacy Agreement (DPA). That day has arrived! SAU16 has officially signed a DPA for a tool known as SchoolAI. My purpose is to use the upcoming Tech Tidbits to introduce you to the fundamentals of AI, considerations to keep in mind, and ways you can leverage AI in your role.

While I am thrilled about the potential of Artificial Intelligence and its ability to support teaching and learning, I am also mindful of the crucial issue of data privacy (please refer back to my last blog post, "Revisiting Student Data Privacy (NH RSA 189:66-68A)"). I acknowledge the existence of numerous workshops, YouTube video tutorials, and peers utilizing a variety of AI tools, all of which can be enticing to explore. However, it is essential to be vigilant about student data privacy when using these tools. Ask yourself, "does this tool have a signed Data Privacy Agreement (DPA)"? 

Having invested many hours in exploring new AI tools, testing their capabilities, and evaluating the pros and cons, I am genuinely fascinated by AI. I recognize and commend the efforts of teacher pioneers who have embraced AI in various schools, actively contributing to the integration of new technology. Before we delve into the world of AI, it's worth mentioning that SAU16 is in the process of drafting guidelines for teachers as we progress further into the integration of AI in classrooms.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

I found it pertinent to seek assistance from SchoolAI in addressing this question. Upon opening the SchoolAI application, I navigated to the "Tools" section and chose "Build your own." Within the "instructions" field, I entered the request, "Please explain artificial intelligence in common language," and subsequently selected "generate." The resulting explanation crafted by SchoolAI is as follows: Understanding Artificial Intelligence.

It is crucial to exercise caution when utilizing AI tools. A "Limitations" warning is visibly present at the bottom of the tool I employed. It is advisable to verify information for accuracy, be mindful of potential biases in content, and recognize that machine learning has a limited knowledge base beyond 2021.

Additionally, Common Sense Education has developed a series of AI Literacy Lesson Plans tailored for Grades 6-12. These lessons serve as valuable resources for enhancing your own understanding of AI or can be integrated into your lessons to help students comprehend AI concepts and consider potential biases in AI.

How can AI be used in the Classroom? 

To comprehend the potential applications of AI in your classroom, I'd like to revisit the SAMR model for those familiar with it. Developed by Dr. Puentedura in 2010, the SAMR model offers an understandable framework for contemplating technology integration and its intended objectives. The ultimate aim is to strive for advancements "above the line" and leverage AI to transform the learning experience in your classroom.

I recommend watching the video titled "What is the SAMR Model?" and reviewing the accompanying diagram created by Common Sense Education to gain a comprehensive understanding of the SAMR model. This visual aid and explanatory resource will facilitate your grasp of how AI aligns with different levels of technology integration in education.

SchoolAI- Let's get started! - Click to view directions on SchoolAI "Spaces"

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