Happy Tuesday! I am revisiting Data Privacy as a refresher. This may be an introduction for our new staff. Admittedly, due to the pandemic, we have not been as focused on this topic.
As a school district in the state of New Hampshire, SAU16 is required to adhere to the NH RSA 189:66 (Student and Teacher Protection Information and Privacy Law) that protects students and staff data. As part of that process to keep staff and student data secure, NH school districts must have a signed New Hampshire Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) to use a digital resource with students (if it requires them to submit any personally identifiable information or "PII").
What is a digital resource?
Examples of a digital resource include:
A website
An app or extension
A software or program
Any of the above that requires students or staff to log into for use or to access the resource, must have signed a DPA with SAU16.
Do I need a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA)? (CLICK TO VIEW) Note- you may need to increase the size of the Google Drawing using the magnifying glass that looks like this;
What does this mean to SAU16 staff members?
If you want to use a digital resource with your students, you must first check to see if it has been approved for SAU16.
Visit the Student Data Privacy Consortium Website to search for the resources within the list that are ALREADY approved for SAU16 use.
If the resource is NOT approved, you cannot use the digital resource in your classroom with students.
If the resource is not listed on the SAU 16 list, you can see if it is approved or declined on the list for New Hampshire.
- If you see it is APPROVED in NH, then email helpdesk@sau16.org to have it added to the SAU 16 list!
- If you see it is DECLINED in NH, you will not be able to use it.
- If you do NOT SEE IT on the list, and want to submit it for potentially getting approved, then email helpdesk@sau16.org.
- If you are writing an IEP, 504, or other plan for a student, please do not include digital resources that have not been approved for use.
- Please do not use digital resources in class that are not approved for use.
- If you are using a digital resource that is not on the list or not approved, you will need to find an alternative tool to use. You can reach out to me, Sandy Blanc (sblanc@sau16.org) if you would like some help on finding an alternative that is approved for use.
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