Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday Tech Tidbits September 10, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits: Technology
    September 10, 2019

Bitmoji Image
by Sandy Blanc
Tip of the Week: Lock your Chromebook screen! 

As we adjust to using Chromebooks, I wanted to share with you a tip about keeping your data secure when you walk away from your device. This information should be shared with students as well!

Many people "close the lid" on the Chromebook and walk away. The problem with this is that anyone could open the lid and be able to see and modify any data on your account. 

CLOSING THE LID DOES NOT LOCK THE SCREEN or log you out! This is really important to remember! 

How do I lock the screen on a Chromebook?

There are two easy ways to lock the screen. 

The first way is to click on the area in the lower right where the time is displayed. You will see the "lock" icon to the right of the power button. Click that and your screen is locked!

The second way is a shortcut:
Search  key (see image left)+ L

Make it a habit to lock your screen (on any device) when you walk away from it!


  1. Sandy, Can't we also hold down the lock button on the Chromebook? It is on the upper right hand side of the keyboard on the new Acer Chromebooks we got at the end of last year. If you hold it for a couple of seconds, it locks the screen.

    1. Hi Beth! Sorry I am just seeing this! Yes, the Acer Chromebooks have that function, but all of our other chromebooks (student 1:1 devices, and mobile cart chromebooks do not). Thank you for sharing that!
