Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday Tech Tidbits December 01, 2020


Tuesday Tech Tidbits

December 01, 2020
by Sandy Blanc

Tip of the Week: Chromebook Files Folder- not for storage! 

This week I want to talk about the Chromebook "Files folder" to help explain the function of the files folder on a chromebook, the problems with storing documents there, and how you can help yourself and your students from losing files from the files folder.

What is the files folder for? 
     The files folder is a temporary "holding tank" for downloading or saving files. 
The files you want to save in the files folder should be moved to Google drive. The files you no longer want to keep should be deleted. 

What is the danger of using the Files Folder to store my files? 
  • The files folder is not backed up!
  • Powerwashing  (or resetting) a chromebook will delete all of the files in the files folder.
  • There is not a lot of space on chromebooks to store files "locally". 
How do I manage the files folder on a chromebook? 

(see video tutorial below) 

See this video by Google Chrome "Video Tutorial: Managing Files on a Chromebook"

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