Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday Tech Tidbits May 17, 2021


May 17, 2021
by Sandy Blanc

Tip of the Week: Kami - Merge or Separate Pages of a .pdf

If you are trying to figure out a way to split apart a .pdf with multiple pages, or create a multi-paged .pdf (by merging a variety of documents), you can simply use Kami!

This feature has been around for a while, however, I have just recently started using it. I thought I would share this information after a few people reached out asking how this can be done on a chromebook. 

How do I merge or separate pages with Kami? 
  1. Go to kamiapp.com  
  2. In the upper right side of Kami, select the 3 lines ("hamburger") and then select "Split and Merge Documents" .


4.  Select the files you want to separate or merge (you may need to allow to authorize your Google Drive).

5. This page will allow you to separate out pages, drag the order you want them, then export. 

6. Here is video demonstration that was created by Parks and Education,  April 10, 2020, called "Split PDF's into Multiple Files".

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